Маруся_П's blog

Our paper has been published in Laser & Photonics Reviews

The paper Efficient Emission Outcoupling from Perovskite Lasers into Highly Directional and Long-Propagation-Length Bloch Surface Waves written by Kirill R. Safronov, Anna A. Popkova, Daria I. Markina, Anatoly P. Pushkarev, Sergey V. Makarov, Vladimir O. Bessonov, and Andrey A. Fedyanin has been published in Laser & Photonics Reviews.

Наша статья опубликована в журнале Laser & Photonics Reviews

В журнале Laser & Photonics Reviews опубликована статья К. Сафронова, А. Попковой, Д. Маркиной, А. Пушкарева, С. Макарова, В. Бессонова и А. Федянина Efficient Emission Outcoupling from Perovskite Lasers into Highly Directional and Long-Propagation-Length Bloch Surface Waves.

Our paper has been published in Laser & Photonics Reviews

The paper Nonlinear Exciton-Mie Coupling in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanoresonators written by Anna A. Popkova, Ilya M. Antropov, Gleb I. Tselikov, Georgy A. Ermolaev, Igor Ozerov, Roman V. Kirtaev, Sergey M. Novikov, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Aleksey V. Arsenin, Vladimir O. Bessonov, Valentyn S. Volkov, and Andrey A. Fedyanin has been published in Laser & Photonics Reviews.

Наша статья опубликована в журнале Laser & Photonics Reviews

В журнале Laser & Photonics Reviews опубликована статья А. Попковой, И. Антропова, Г. Целикова, Г. Ермолаева, И. Озерова, Р. Киртаева, С. Новикова, А. Евлюхина, А. Арсенина, В. Бессонова, В. Волкова и А. Федянина Nonlinear Exciton-Mie Coupling in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanoresonators.

Our paper has been published in ACS Applied Nano Materials

The paper CaCO3 Nanoparticles Coated with Alternating Layers of Poly-LArginine Hydrochloride and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as Navigable Drug Carriers and Hyperthermia Agents written by Evgeny S. Vavaev, Marina Novoselova, Nikita M. Shchelkunov, Sergei German, Aleksei S. Komlev, Maksim D. Mokrousov, Ivan V. Zelepukin, Andrey M. Burov, Boris N. Khlebtsov, Evgeny V. Lyubin, Sergey Deyev, Andrey A. Fedyanin, and Dmitry A. Gorin has been published in ACS Applied Nano Materials.

Наша статья опубликована в журнале ACS Applied Nano Materials

В журнале ACS Applied Nano Materials вышла статья Е. Ваваева, М. Новоселовой, Н. Щелкунова, С. Германа, А Комлева, М. Мокроусова, И. Зелепукина, А. Бурова, Б. Хлебцова, Е. Любина, С. Деева, А. Федянина и Д. Горина CaCO3 Nanoparticles Coated with Alternating Layers of Poly-LArginine Hydrochloride and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as Navigable Drug Carriers and Hyperthermia Agents.
