- "Enhancing second harmonic generation by Q-boosting lossless cavities beyond the time bandwidth limit"1311–82024
- "Asymmetric Silicon Dimers Made by Single-Shot Laser-Induced Transfer Demultiplex Light of Different Wavelengths"
Advanced Optical Materials
1223022762024 - "Magnetically navigated microbubbles coated with albumin/polyarginine and superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles"
Biomaterials Advances
1582137592024 - "Functionalization and magnetonavigation of T-lymphocytes functionalized via nanocomposite capsules targeting with electromagnetic tweezers"
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine
571027422024 - "Оптический захват и перемещение микрочастиц ближним полем блоховских поверхностных волн в полимерных волноводах"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1194257 – 2622024 - "Goos−Hänchen Shift Spatially Resolves Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect Enhancement in Magnetoplasmonic Crystals"
ACS Photonics
111619−16262024 - "Transverse Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect Enhancement in Si–Ni Nanogratings by Mie and Surface Lattice Resonances"
Physics of Metals and Metallography
1252118–1232024 - "Linear and nonlinear optical response of Mie-resonant Si nanoparticles and its modification induced by femtosecond irradiation post-treatment"
Optical Materials
1541156162024 - "Ni80Fe20 thickness optimization of magnetoplasmonic crystals for magnetic field sensing"
Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
3761155522024 - "Времяразрешающее детектирование терагерцового отклика фотодинамически сформированных плазмонных метаповерхностей"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1199651 – 6572024 - "Analog Optical Correlation Augmented by Mie-Resonant Metasurfaces"
ACS Photonics
112506−25122024 - "Cryogenic nonlinear microscopy of high-Q metasurfaces coupled with transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers"
13183429–34362024 - "Surface-plasmon-assisted control of ultrafast optical relaxation traces"
submitted to Phys. Rev. X
2024 - "Separation of ultrafast transient solid-state processes in metal-dielectric metasurface"
submitted to Optica
2024 - "Динамика фарадеевского вращения в гибридных магнитофотонных метаповерхностях"
Вестник Московского Университета. Серия 3. Физика. Астрономия
- "Quantum Dot Photoluminescence Enhancement in GaAs Nanopillar Oligomers Driven by Collective Magnetic Modes"
135072023 - "Low coercivity magnetoplasmonic crystal based on a thin permalloy film for magnetic field sensing applications"
Optical Material Express
131171 - 1782023 - "Аномальная пикосекундная динамика оптического пропускания гибридной метаповерхности Au-Bi:YIG"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1173201 – 2062023 - "Высокодобротные металинзы инфракрасного диапазона на основе германиевых димеров"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1177498 – 5032023 - "On superresolution in virtual image in a transparent dielectric sphere"
Optics and Spectroscopy
1313363 - 3692023 - "Efficient Light Coupling and Purcell Effect Enhancement for Interlayer Exciton Emitters in 2D Heterostructures Combined with SiN Nanoparticles"
1318212023 - "Создание оптических микроструктур с градиентным показателем преломления методом двухфотонной лазерной литографии"
Известия РАН. Серия физическая
876807–8122023 - "Сверточные нейронные сети для предсказания морфологических и нелинейно-оптических свойств тонких пленок квазидвумерных материалов"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1187513 – 5182023 - "Direct ultrafast carrier imaging in a perovskite microlaser with optical coherence microscopy"
10101322 - 13302023 - "Компенсация конечного размера вокселя при микропечати параболических рентгеновских линз методом двухфотонной литографии"
Вестник Московского Университета. Серия 3. Физика. Астрономия
78323204012023 - "Излучательные и переходные потери в изогнутых волноводах для блоховских поверхностных волн"
Вестник Московского Университета. Серия 3. Физика. Астрономия
78323204022023 - "Half-space invisible states in dielectric particles"
Optics Express
3122/2337074 - 370812023 - "Пространственно неоднородное сверхбыстрое размагничивание никелевого магнитоплазмонного кристалла"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1188584 – 5892023 - "Trapped modes in particles with a negative refractive index"
Optics Letters
48215795 - 57982023 - "Light-stimulated adaptive artificial synapse based on nanocrystalline metal-oxide film"
Opto-Electronic Science
22300162023 - "Подходы фотоники для реализации нейроморфных вычислений"
Успехи физических наук
193121282 - 12972023 - "Ag2O-Containing Biocidal Interpolyelectrolyte Complexes on Glass Surfaces—Adhesive Properties of the Coatings"
- "Broadband Optical Constants and Nonlinear Properties of SnS2 and SnSe2"
121412022 - "Miniature Otto Prism Coupler for Integrated Photonics"
Laser & Photonics Reviews
1621005422022 - "Surface profile-tailored magneto-optics in magnetoplasmonic crystals"
APL Photonics
70261042022 - "Nonlinear Excitation and Self-Action of Bloch Surface Waves Governed by Gradient Optical Forces"
ACS Photonics
9211−2162022 - "CaCO3 Nanoparticles Coated with Alternating Layers of Poly-LArginine Hydrochloride and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as Navigable Drug Carriers and Hyperthermia Agents"
ACS Applied Nano Materials
52994−30062022 - "Externally Driven Nonlinear Time-Variant Metasurfaces"
ACS Photonics
9493−5022022 - "Nonlinear Exciton-Mie Coupling in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanoresonators"
Laser & Photonics Reviews
1621006042022 - "Efficient Emission Outcoupling from Perovskite Lasers into Highly Directional and Long-Propagation-Length Bloch Surface Waves"
Laser & Photonics Reviews
1621007282022 - "Single-cell all-optical coherence elastography with optical tweezers"
Biomedical Optics Express
13114-252022 - "Optical Levitation of Mie-Resonant Silicon Particles in the Field of Bloch Surface Electromagnetic Waves"
JETP Letters
1153157–1622022 - "Nonlinear response of Q-boosting metasurfaces beyond the time-bandwidth limit"
11174053–40612022 - "Optical Phenomena in Dielectric Spheres Several Light Wavelengths in Size: A Review"
Physics of Wave Phenomena
304217–2412022 - "Bloch Surface Wave-Assisted Ultrafast All-Optical Switching in Graphene"
Advanced Optical Materials
1021019372022 - "Optical Phenomena in Mesoscale Dielectric Spheres and Immersion Lenses Based on Janus Particles: A Review"
Physics of Wave Phenomena
305283–2972022 - "Probing higher order optical modes in all-dielectric nanodisk, -square, and -triangle by aperture type scanning near-field optical microscopy"
113543–5572022 - "Bifunctional Magnetite–Gold Nanoparticles for Magneto-Mechanical Actuation and Cancer Cell Destruction"
81852022 - "Synthesis of Magneto-Controllable Polymer Nanocarrier Based on Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic Acid) for Doxorubicin Immobilization"
- "Effect of pyrolysis on microstructures made of various photoresists by two-photon polymerization: comparative study"
Optical Materials Express
112371-3842021 - "Resonant dielectric metasurfaces in strong optical fields"
APL Materials
90607012021 - "Optical Third-Harmonic Generation in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Thin Films"
ACS Photonics
83824–8312021 - "Third-harmonic light polarization control in magnetically resonant silicon metasurfaces"
Optics Express
29811605-116122021 - "Silicon metasurfaces with tunable electromagnetic resonances for nonlinear optical conversion"
Il Nuovo Cimento
44C1112021 - "Visible upconversion luminescence of doped bulk silicon for a multimodal wafer metrology"
Optics Letters
46133071-30742021 - "Mie-driven directional nanocoupler for Bloch surface wave photonic platform"
10(11)2939–29472021 - "Wave theory of virtual image"
Optical Materials Express
111136462021 - "Spontaneous Light Emission Assisted by Mie Resonances in Diamond Nanoparticles"
Nano Letters
2110127−101322021 - "Оптимизация многослойных фотонных структур с помощью искусственных нейронных сетей для получения заданного оптического отклика"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1146321–3252021 - "Colossal magnetic fields in high refractive index materials at microwave frequencies"
Scientific Reports
11234532021 - "Tailoring Third-Harmonic Diffraction Efficiency by Hybrid Modes in High‑Q Metasurfaces"
Nano Letters
2110438−104452021 - "Topological Photonics (Mini-review)"
JETP Letters
DOI: 10.1134/S00213640212400122021 - "Single-walled carbon nanotube membranes as non-reflective substrates for nanophotonic applications"
320952062021 - "Пространственное разделение скалярных световых пучков с орбитальным угловым моментом с помощью фазовой метаповерхности"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1148509 – 5142021
- "Эффективная интеграция однофотонных излучателей в тонких пленках InSe с резонансными кремниевыми волноводами"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
11211730 – 7352020 - "Dark mode enhancing magneto-optical Kerr effect in multilayer magnetoplasmonic crystals"
Physical Rewiew B
1010454092020 - "Связанное состояние континуума магнитофотонных метаповерхностей"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
111140-442020 - "Magnetic field sensor based on magnetoplasmonic crystal"
Scientific Reports
1071332020 - "Enhanced Nonlinear Light Generation in Oligomers of Silicon Nanoparticles under Vector Beam Illumination"
Nano Letters
203471−34772020 - "Multimode interference of Bloch surface electromagnetic waves"
ACS Nano
14810428–104372020 - "Мнимое изображение в прозрачной диэлектрической сфере"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
1126361 – 3662020 - "Optical Coherence Microscopy Сombined with Optical Tweezers for Studying Cellular Mechanics"
Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute
475136–1392020 - "Engineering of optical, magneto-optical and magnetic properties of nickel-based one-dimensional magnetoplasmonic crystals"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
59SEEA082020 - "Ultrafast Magneto-Optics in Nickel Magnetoplasmonic Crystals"
Nano Letters
- "Optical performance and radiation stability of polymer X-ray refractive nano-lenses"
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
26714-7192019 - "Tunable multimodal magnetoplasmonic metasurfaces"
Applied Physics Letters
1151511022019 - "Low-Power Absorption Saturation in Semiconductor Metasurfaces"
ACS Photonics
62797−28062019 - "Tailored Nonlinear Anisotropy in Mie-Resonant Dielectric Oligomers"
Advanced Optical Materials
719004472019 - "Thermophoresis-Assisted Microscale Magnus Effect in Optical Traps"
JETP Letters
11011750-7542019 - "Optical Coupling between Resonant Dielectric Nanoparticles and Dielectric Nanowires Probed by Third Harmonic Generation Microscopy"
ACS Photonics
6189-1952019 - "High order Fano resonances and giant magnetic fields in dielectric microspheres"
Scientific Reports
9202932019 - "Ptychographic characterization of polymer compound refractive lenses manufactured by additive technology"
Optics Express
2762019 - "Enhanced second-harmonic generation with structured light in AlGaAs nanoparticles governed by magnetic response"
JETP Letters
109131-1352019 - "Enhanced magneto-optical effects in hybrid Ni-Si metasurfaces"
APL Photonics
40161022019 - "Permalloy-based magnetoplasmonic crystals for sensor applications"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
482292-2952019 - "Ultrafast All-Optical Light Control with Tamm Plasmons in Photonic Nanostructures"
ACS Photonics
- "Selective third-harmonic generation by structured light in Mie-resonant nanoparticles"
ACS Photonics
5728−7332018 - "Bloch Surface Wave Photonic Device Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Polymerisation Technique"
Applied Sciences
8632018 - "Optical Effects Induced by Bloch Surface Waves in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals"
Applied Sciences
81272018 - "Midinfrared Surface Plasmons in Carbon Nanotube Plasmonic Metasurface"
Physical Review Applied
90240272018 - "Plasmon induced modification of silicon nanocrystals photoluminescence in presence of gold nanostripes"
Scientific Reports
849112018 - "Phase matching with Tamm plasmons for enhanced second- and third-harmonic generation"
Physical Review B
971154382018 - "Strong light–matter interaction in tungsten disulfide nanotubes"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2020812--208202018 - "Manipulating the light intensity by magnetophotonic metasurfaces"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
459165–1702018 - "Polarization-Dependent Second Harmonic Diffraction from Resonant GaAs Metasurfaces"
ACS Photonics
- "Third-harmonic generation from Mie-type resonances of isolated all-dielectric nanoparticles"
The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
А375201602812017 - "Nonlinear Symmetry Breaking in Symmetric Oligomers"
ACS Photonics
4454−4612017 - "Optical Magnetism and Fundamental Modes of Nanodiamonds"
ACS Photonics
41153–11582017 - "Ultrafast all-optical tuning of direct-gap semiconductor metasurfaces"
Nature Communications
8172017 - "Polymer X-ray refractive nano-lenses fabricated by additive technology"
Optics Express
2514173-141812017 - "Bloch-surface-wave-induced Fano resonance in magnetophotonic crystals"
Physical Review B
96081401(R)2017 - "Directional Optical Sorting of Silicon Nanoparticles"
ACS Photonics
42312–23192017 - "Quantum interference in the presence of a resonant medium"
Scientific Reports
7114442017 - "Magneto-Optical Response Enhanced by Mie Resonances in Nanoantennas"
ACS Photonics
42390-23952017 - "Near-Field Mapping of Optical Fabry−Perot Modes in All-Dielectric Nanoantennas"
Nano Letters
- "Multifold Enhancement of Third-Harmonic Generation in Dielectric Nanoparticles Driven by Magnetic Fano Resonances"
Nano Letters
1684857–48612016 - "Multipolar Third-Harmonic Generation in Fishnet Metamaterials"
ACS Photonics
31494-14992016 - "Ultrafast Faraday Rotation of Slow Light"
Phys. Rev. Appl.
60240122016 - "Glycoprotein IIB-IIIA inhibitor, monafram decelerate the early phase of red blood cells aggregation"
Journal of Cellular Biotechnology
215-222016 - "Measurements of the femtosecond relaxation dynamics of Tamm plasmon-polaritons"
Applied Physics Letters
1091711072016 - "Localized-to-propagating surface plasmon transitions in gold nanoslit gratings"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
10350-552016 - "Magneto-optical switching of Bloch surface waves in magnetophotonic crystals"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
41582-862016 - "Detection of Brownian Torque in a Magnetically-Driven Rotating Microsystem"
Scientific Reports
6212122016 - "Optical tweezers study of red blood cell aggregation and disaggregation in plasma and protein solutions"
Journal of Biomedical Optics
210350012016 - "SERS-active dielectric metamaterials based on periodic nanostructures"
Optics Express
247133-71502016 - "Near-field probing of Bloch surface waves in a dielectric multilayer using photonic force microscopy"
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
331120-11272016 - "Refractive index sensor based on magnetoplasmonic crystals"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
41572-762016 - "Ultrafast control of third-order optical nonlinearities in fishnet metamaterials"
Scientific Reports
6284402016 - "Optical properties of silicon nanocrystals covered by periodic array of gold nanowires"
Physical Review B
- "Nonlinear Interference and Tailorable Third-Harmonic Generation from Dielectric Oligomers"
ACS Photonics
25578-5822015 - "Direct measurements of magnetic interaction-induced cross-correlations of two microparticles in Brownian motion"
Scientific Reports
5104912015 - "Ultrafast dynamics of Faraday rotation in thin films"
SPIE Proc.
950295020O-12015 - "Composite SERS-based satellites navigated by optical tweezers for single cell analysis"
1404981-49862015 - "Femtosecond pulse shaping with plasmonic crystals"
JETP Letters
10112787 – 7922015 - "Direct measurements of forces induced by Bloch surface waves in a one-dimensional photonic crystal"
Optics Letters
404883-48862015 - "Femtosecond control of magneto-optical effects in magnetoplasmonic crystals"
SPIE Proc.
954795471A2015 - "Photonic force microscopy of surface electromagnetic waves in a one-dimensional photonic crystal"
SPIE Proceedings
95489548102015 - "Ultrafast All-Optical Switching with Magnetic Resonances in Nonlinear Dielectric Nanostructures"
NANo Letters
156985−69902015 - "Plasmon ruler with gold nanorod dimers: utilizing the second-order resonance"
Optics Letters
4071571-15742015 - "Transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in 2D gold–garnet nanogratings"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- "Гибридные состояния таммовских и поверхностных плазмон-поляритонов в одномерных фотонных кристаллах"
Ученые Записки Физического Факультета
11414022014 - "Поляризационно-чувствительная корреляционная спектроскопия фемтосекундной динамики эффекта Фарадея"
Известия РАН. Серия физическая
78172-772014 - "Фемтосекундная динамика поверхностных плазмонов в одномерных плазмонных кристаллах: частотно-разрешающее оптическое стробирование"
Ученые записки физического факультета
111414012014 - "An effect of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors 2 on the kinetics of red blood cells aggregation"
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation
57291–3022014 - "Under- and over-water halves of Gyrinidae beetle eyes harbor different corneal nanocoatings providing adaptation to the water and air environments"
Scientific Reports
460042014 - "Enhanced Third-Harmonic Generation in Silicon Nanoparticles Driven by Magnetic Response"
Nano Letters
14116488–64922014 - "Femtosecond intrapulse evolution of the magneto-optic Kerr effect in magnetoplasmonic crystals"
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications)
90201405(R)2014 - "Second-harmonic generation enhancement in the presence of Tamm plasmon-polaritons"
Optics Letters
39246895-68982014 - "Измерение зависимости модуля Юнга хрящевых тканей от температуры методом фазочувствительной оптической когерентной эластографии"
Квантовая электроника
- "Observation of hybrid state of Tamm and surface plasmon-polaritons in one-dimensional photonic crystals"
Applied Physics Letters
10360611122013 - "Управление положением ловушки вблизи отражающих поверхностей в оптическом пинцете"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
98720 - 7242013 - "Transversal magneto-optical Kerr effect in two-dimensional nickel magnetoplasmonic crystals"
Journal of Applied Physics
11317A9422013 - "Magnetic field-controlled femtosecond pulse shaping by magnetoplasmonic crystals"
Journal of Applied Physics
11317A9472013 - "Сверхбыстрая временная динамика генерации третьей оптической гармоники в сетчатых метаматериалах"
Ученые записки физического факультета МГУ
61364012013 - "Magnetoplasmonic crystals based on commercial digital discs"
Journal of Applied Physics
- "Normal and system lupus erythematosus red blood cell interactions studied by double trap optical tweezers: direct measurements of aggregation forces"
Journal of Biomedical Optics
170250012012 - "High mobility thin film transistors with indium oxide/gallium oxide bi-layer structures"
Applied Physics Letters
1000635062012 - "Giant Goos-Hanchen Effect and Fano Resonance at Photonic Crystal Surfaces"
Physical Review Letters
1081239012012 - "Femtosecond time-resolved Faraday rotation in thin magnetic films and magnetophotonic crystals""
Journal of Applied Physics
11107A9442012 - "Resonant surface magnetoplasmons in two-dimensional magnetoplasmonic crystals excited in Faraday configuration"
Journal of Applied Physics
11107A9462012 - "Magnetoplasmonic nanostructures based on nickel inverse opal slabs"
Journal of Applied Physics
11107A9482012 - "Handedness-sensitive emission of surface plasmon polaritons by elliptical nanohole ensembles"
Optics Express
20105382012 - "Cellular viscoelasticity probed by active rheology in optical tweezers"
Journal of Biomedical Optics
171015102012 - "Ultrafast Polarization Shaping with Fano Plasmonic Crystals"
Physical Review Letters
1082539032012 - "Диагностика парного взаимодействия магнитных микрочастиц методом оптического пинцета"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
95116382012 - "Near-field optical microscopy of plasmonic effects in anisotropic metamaterials"
Physica C
4791832012 - "Contribution of the magnetic resonance to the third harmonic generation from a fishnet metamaterial"
Physical Review B
861154012012 - "Magneto-optical Kerr effect enhancement at the Wood’s anomaly in magnetoplasmonic crystals"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- "Garnet composite films with Au particles fabricated by repetitive formation for enhancement of Faraday effect"
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
440640142011 - "Efficient bidirectional optical harmonics generation in three-dimensional photonic crystals"
Journal of Optical Society of America B
2816802011 - "Ближнепольная оптическая поляриметрия плазмонных нанорешеток "
Письма в ЖЭТФ
93128012011 - "Агрегация эритроцитов: некоторые вопросы и гипотезы"
Российский журнал биомеханики
151 (51)7-222011
- "Усиление эффекта Гуса-Хенхен поверхностными волнами в одномерных фотонных кристаллах"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
9184142010 - "Full Poincare sphere coverage with plasmonic nanoslit metamaterials at Fano resonance"
Physical Review B
821934022010 - "Surface-plasmon-induced enhancement of magneto-optical Kerr effect in all-nickel subwavelength nanogratings"
Applied Physics Letters
972619082010 - "Фемтосекундная динамика релаксации поверхностных плазмон- поляритонов в окрестности резонанса типа Фано"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
9296392010 - "Оптические свойства одномерных субволновых плазмонных наноструктур"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
- "Генерация в кремнии отраженной второй гармоники, индуцированной постоянным током"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
892642009 - "Fluorescence emission enhanced by surface electromagnetic waves on one-dimensional photonic crystals"
Applied Physics Letters
942311222009 - "Плазмонное усиление линейного двулучепреломления и линейного дихроизма в анизотропных оптических метаматериалах"
Письма в ЖЭТФ
9064782009 - "Experimental analysis of recoil effects induced by fluorescence photons"
Physical Review E
- "Nonlinear optical response from single spheres coated by a nonlinear monolayer"
Optics Letters
336992008 - "Detection of plasmon-enhanced luminescence fields from an optically manipulated pair of partially metal covered dielectric spheres"
Optics Letters
3327492008 - "Nonlinear Verdet law in magnetophotonic crystals: Interrelation between Faraday and Borrmann effects"
Physical Review B
- "Near-field Mapping of Fabry-Pérot Resonances in Dielectric Nanoantennas"
9th The International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies
2017 - "Основные направления развития аддитивных технологий для печати объектов с микронным разрешением"
III Международная конференция «Аддитивные технологии: настоящее и будущее», ВИАМ, Москва
2017 - "Magnetic dipolar resonance for efficient nonlinear optical processes in silicon metamaterials"
The 16th Annual Workshop CUDOS 2017, Австралия
2017 - "Silicon oligomers for tunable nonlinear response"
Doctoral Summer School on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
2017 - "Magneto-optical Effects in Subwavelength Nanoparticles Enhanced by Optically-induced Magnetic Resonances"
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2017 - "Планарные элементы фотоники для управления поверхностными электромагнитными волнами в одномерных фотонных кристаллах"
XXIV Международная научная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Ломоносов-2017"
2017 - "Bloch-Surface-Waves-Induced Fano Resonance in Magneto-Optical Response of Magnetophotonic Crystals"
Proc. of SPIE
101121011210-12017 - "Transverse magnetooptical Kerr effect adjusting by variation of magnetoplasmonic crystals profile"
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM) 2017
- "Multipolar Origin of the Third Harmonic Generation from Fishnet Metamaterials"
CLEO'2016, San Jose, CA, USA
2016 - "Enhanced transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in multilayered one-dimensional magnetoplasmonic crystals with narrow slits"
International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics. International Conference on Lasers, Applications and Technologies. (ICONO/LAT 2016)
Электронная версия2016 - "Third harmonic generation in isolated all dielectric meta-atoms"
SPIE Photonics Europe, Брюссель, Бельгия
2016 - "Unidirectional Second-Harmonic Generation from Silicon Nanoparticles"
Days on Diffraction 2016, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
2016 - "Quantum Spectroscopy with Femtosecond Time Resolution"
25th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop, Ереван, Армения
2016 - "Third-harmonic generation from silicon nanodisk clusters with magnetic Fano resonances"
ICONO/LAT 2016, Минск, Беларусь
2016 - "Second and third harmonic generation in silicon metasurfaces with spectrally overlapped electric and magnetic dipolar resonances"
ICONO/LAT 2016, Минск, Беларусь
2016 - "Observation of the second-harmonic generation from silicon nanodisks with electric and magnetic resonances"
ICONO/LAT 2016, Минск, Беларусь
2016 - "Third-harmonic generation spectroscopy of magnetic Fano resonances in oligomers of silicon nanoparticles"
Days on Diffraction 2016, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
2016 - "Генерация второй оптической гармоники в кремниевых наноструктурах с электрическим и магнитным откликом"
Международная научная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Ломоносов-2016», Москва, Россия
2016 - "Ultrafast Nonlinearities Driven by Magnetic Response in All-Dielectric Nanostructures"
CLEO: 2016, Сан-Хосе, США
2016 - "Enhanced third-harmonic generation in silicon oligomers driven by magnetic Fano resonance"
CLEO: 2016, Сан-Хосе, США
2016 - "Optical harmonics generation in metal/dielectric heterostructures in the presence of Tamm plasmon-polaritons"
SPIE Photonics West
2016 - "Free-carrier contribution to all-optical switching in Mie-resonant hydrogenated amorphous silicon nanodisks"
SPIE Photonics West OPTO, San Francisco, USA
- "Probing Electric and Magnetic Resonances of Silicon Nanodisks by Third-Harmonic Generation"
The 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - Metamaterials'15, Оксфорд, Великобритания
2015 - "Повышение мотивации учебной деятельности учеников средней школы при использовании современных видеоматериалов"
Материалы международного молодежного научного форума «ЛОМОНОСОВ-2015»
2015 - "Femtosecond Faraday evolution in one-dimensional photonic structures"
Days on Diffraction
2015 - "Third-Harmonic-Generation Spectroscopy for Probing Electric and Magnetic Resonances of Silicon Nanodisks"
22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy ICOLS 2015, Sentosa Island, Singapore
Book of abstractsp. 1802015 - "Ultrafast all-optical switching with magnetic resonances in nonlinear dielectric nanostructures"
Nano Letters
156985-69902015 - "Поляризационные свойства сферических серебряных наночастиц в оптически анизотропном окружении"
XXII Международная научная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Ломоносов-2015", Moscow, Russia
2015 - "Optical Tamm state at the cholesteric liquid crystal/metal interface"
Days on Diffraction
2015 - "Femtosecond spectroscopy of the electron thermalization in gold in the vicinity of Tamm plasmon resonance"
Дни Дифракции 2015
2015 - "Third-Harmonic Generation from Silicon Oligomers and Metasurfaces"
CLEO: 2015, Сан-Хосе, США
- "Photonic-force microscopy of radiation forces generated by surface mode of one-dimensional photonic crystals"
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014
9126-262014 - "Third-Harmonic Spectroscopy of Electric and Magnetic Resonances in Silicon Nanodisks"
Nano-2014, Москва, Россия
2014 - "Femtosecond magneto-optics in magnetoplasmonic nanostructures"
5-th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14),
Plasmonics and nanophotonics3272014 - "Femtosecond pulse distortion induced by Tamm plasmon polaritons in a metal/photonic crystal system"
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014
9136-662014 - "Subpicosecond relaxation of the third-order nonlinear susceptibility in fishnet metamaterials"
SPIE Optics+Photonics 2014, Сан Диего, США
2014 - "Nonlinear spectroscopy of electric and magnetic resonances in all-dielectric oligomers"
Metamaterials’2014 The 8th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Копенгаген, Дания
2014 - "Influence of thermal noise to magnetic microparticle rotation in optical tweezers"Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM – 2014)Moscow, Russia2014
- "Femtosecond Intrapulse Evolution of the Transverse Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect in One-Dimensional Iron-Based Magnetoplasmonic Crystal"
XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014)
9342014 - "Light scattering and laser manipulation in the studies of red blood cells microrheology "
Laser Applications in Life Sciences LALS 2014
2014 - "Frequency-resolved optical gating of one-dimensional photonic crystals"
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014
9125-392014 - "Кинетика взаимодействия эритроцитов in vitro: исследование с помощью лазерного пинцета"
Конференция: VI Троицкая Конференция «Медицинская Физика и Инновации в Медицине» (ТКМФ-6)
2014 - "Static and dynamic properties of third harmonic generation in fishnet metamaterials"
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014
9125-382014 - "Оптические таммовские состояния на границе раздела холестерический жидкий кристалл - металл"
Материалы XII всероссийской конференции по оптике и лазерной физике (электронная версия)
2014 - "Tamm plasmon-polariton induced second-harmonic generation enhancement in photonic crystal structure"
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism MISM-2014 (Book of abstracts)
8102014 - "Спектроскопия генерации третьей гармоники электрического и магнитного резонансов кремниевых нанодисков"
XXI Международная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Ломоносов-–2014». Секция «Физика». Сборник тезисов
с. 156-1582014 - "Femtosecond intrapulse evolution of the magneto-optical Kerr effect in iron-based magneto-plasmonic crystals"
Days on Diffraction (Abstracts)
1542014 - "Giant Second-Harmonic Generation Enhancement in the Presence of Tamm Plasmon-Polariton"
Дни Дифракции
2014 - "Femtosecond surface plasmons in one-dimensional plasmonic crystals: frequency-resolved optical gating"
5-th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14), Singapore
2014 - "Frequency-resolved optical gating for surface plasmons ultrafast spectroscopy"
Annual international conference «Days on Diffraction», Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2014 - "Third-harmonic spectroscopy of electric and magnetic resonances in all-dielectrical oligomers"
5-th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14), Сингапур, Сингапур
2014 - "Third-harmonic generation spectroscopy of Mie resonances in silicon nanoparticles"
Дни дифракции 2014, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism MISM-2014
7182014 - "Third harmonic generation in metamaterials: a probe for optical magnetism"
Дни Дифракции 2014, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
2014 - "Ultrafast Dynamics of Faraday Rotation in Magnetophotonic Crystals"
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism MISM-2014
8022014 - "Third-harmonic spectroscopy of all-dielectric oligomers with both electric and magnetic resonances"
CLEO-2014, Сан-Хосе, США
2014 - "Studying of magntic microparticles interaction using optical tweezers technique"
International Summer School and Workshop "Complex and Magnetic Soft Matter Systems: Physico-Mechanical Properties and Structure"
Dubna, Russia2014 - "Third-Harmonic Generation Microscopy of Plasmonic Meta-atoms"
Nano-2014, Москва, Россия
2014 - "Холестерические жидкие кристаллы на полимерных подложках для наблюдения оптических таммовских состояний"
Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «ЛОМОНОСОВ-2014» (электронная версия)
- "Femtosecond Time-Resolved Transverse Kerr Effect Measurements in Magnetoplasmonic Crystals"
The International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics/The Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (ICONO/LAT)
2013 - "Ultrafast magnetophotonics and magnetoplasmonics"
Donostia International Conference on Nanoscaled Magnetism and Applications (DICNMA)
p.562013 - "Hybrid States of Surface and Tamm Plasmon-Polaritons in Photonic Crystals"
2013 - "Giant Second-Harmonic Generation Enhancement in the Presence of Tamm Plasmon-Polariton"
Frontiers in Optics
FW5C.42013 - "Фемтосекундная динамика поперечного магнитооптического эффекта Керра, индуцированная поверхностным плазмон-поляритоном "
XX Международная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносов»
248-2492013 - "Ultrafast Dynamics of Tamm Plasmon-Polaritons in Metal/Photonic Crystal System"
Frontiers in Optics
FTu4D.52013 - "Observation of Hybrid States of Tamm and Surface Plasmon-Polaritons in Photonic Crystals"
Frontiers in Optics
FTu4D.42013 - "Polarization-sensitive plasmonic nanomaterials: polarization state control on femtosecond and nanometer scales"
International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics/International Conference on Lasers, Applications and Technologies (ICONO/LAT)
2013 - "Исследование временной динамики генерации третьей оптической гармоники в сетчатых метаматериалах"
XX международная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Ломоносов», сборник тезисов
2222013 - "Shaping of femtosecond laser pulses with plasmonic crystals"
Frontiers in Optics (FIO), United States
2013 - "Third harmonic generation in fishnet metamaterials"
International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics/International Conference on Lasers, Applications and Technologies (ICONO/LAT)
- "Оптические таммовские состояния в фотонных кристаллах"
Материалы XIX международной конференции «Ломоносов» (электронная версия)
2012 - "Гибридные состояния таммовских и поверхностных плазмон-поляритонов в одномерных фотонных кристаллах"
Материалы X всероссийской конференции по оптике и лазерной физике (электронная версия)
2012 - "RBC elastic properties studied by means of active rheology approach"
Proc. of SPIE
845884580T2012 - "Correlation function analysis of optically trapped paramagnetic microparticles in external magnetic field"
Proc. of SPIE
845884580G2012 - "Investigation of nonlinear response of negative index metamaterials"
MSCMP, Chisinau
- "Поверхностные электромагнитные волны в фотонных кристаллах на основе пористого кремния для их применения в оптических сенсорах"
материалы XVIII международной конференции «Ломоносов»
502011 - "Исследование нелинейно-оптических свойств метаматериалов с отрицательным показателем преломления методом Z-сканирования"
XVIII Международная научная конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносов», сборник тезисов, 61
612011 - "Nonlinear absorption in plasmonic metamaterials"
“Summer School of Plasmonics 2”, final program
- "Recent Advances in Nanoplasmonics and Magnetoplasmonics"
"Nanoscale Applications for Information and Energy Systems", ed. by A. Korkin and D.J. Lockwood
Nanostructure Science and Technology, Springer Science+Business Media New York2013