Alexandra D. Gartman, Alexander S. Shorokhov and Andrey A. Fedyanin"Efficient Light Coupling and Purcell Effect Enhancement for Interlayer Exciton Emitters in 2D Heterostructures Combined with SiN Nanoparticles"Nanomaterials 1318212023 download
A.D. Gartman, A.S. Ustinov, A.S. Shorokhov, and A.A. Fedyanin"Spatial Separation of Scalar Light Beams with Orbital Angular Momentum Using a Phase Metasurface"JETP Letters 1148441–4462021 download
A.D. Gartman, M.K. Kroichuk, A.S. Shorokhov, and A.A. Fedyanin"Efficient Integration of Single-Photon Emitters in Thin InSe Films into Resonance Silicon Waveguides"JETP Letters 11211693–6982020 download