"Linear and nonlinear optical response of Mie-resonant Si nanoparticles and its modification induced by femtosecond irradiation post-treatment"
Optical Materials
Physics of semiconductors, nanophotonics, systems of reduced dimensionality, metamaterials.
M.S., Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2010, with honor.
Ph.D., Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2013. Ph.D. thesis title: "The influence of the adsorption of molecules on the electrical
and magnetic properties of nanocomposites based on porous silicon", thesis supervisor - Prof. S.N. Kozlov.
Optical Materials
Laser & Photonics Reviews
ACS Photonics
Optics Letters
ACS Nano
Applied Sciences
Proceedings of International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics (METANANO-2017)