APL Photonics
Ultrafast plasmonics and magnetoplasmonics
Surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) is a collective oscillation of light and electrons that propagate at the boundary between metal and dielectric. The lifetime of such excitations can vary from few femtoseconds till picoseconds in the optical range of spectrum. Since the development of femtosecond lasers became possible to study and to use this ultrafast processes in devices and applications.
Fig.1 Time-resolved intensity correlation functions measurement setup. Ti:Sa — titanium-sapphire femtosecond laser. Pulse duration — 150 fs, tunable wavelength from 690 nm to 1020 nm, repetition rate of 80MHz, integral power of 1.5-3 V. Step of scanning delay line is 13 fs. BBO — nonlinear crystal. PMT — photomultiplier tube.
Various shaping options (Fig.2), namely, broadening, compression, delaying, advancing, and splitting of the pulses are revealed by spectral tuning of the pulse carrier wavelength in the vicinity of surface plasmon resonances, since such pulse modification strongly depends on the interplay between parameters of the fs-pulse and SPP resonance, for example, laser pulse duration should be comparable with the SPP relaxation time.
Fig.2. Measured correlation functions and reconstructed pulses reflected from the 1D plasmonic crystal for carrier wavelength λ0 in the range from 722 nm to 780 nm.
Fig. 3. Schematics of the ultrafast polarization conversion with plasmonic crystals.

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- "Ultrafast Polarization Shaping with Fano Plasmonic Crystals"
Physical Review Letters
1082539032012 - "Low coercivity magnetoplasmonic crystal based on a thin permalloy film for magnetic field sensing applications"
Optical Material Express
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Optics and Spectroscopy
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ACS Photonics
111619−16262024 - "Ni80Fe20 thickness optimization of magnetoplasmonic crystals for magnetic field sensing"
Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
3761155522024 - "Surface-plasmon-assisted control of ultrafast optical relaxation traces"
submitted to Phys. Rev. X
2024 - "Separation of ultrafast transient solid-state processes in metal-dielectric metasurface"
submitted to Optica
2024 - "Femtosecond intrapulse evolution of the magneto-optic Kerr effect in magnetoplasmonic crystals"
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications)
90201405(R)2014 - "Transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in 2D gold–garnet nanogratings"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
3831110-1132015 - "Femtosecond pulse shaping with plasmonic crystals"
JETP Letters
10112787 – 7922015 - "Femtosecond control of magneto-optical effects in magnetoplasmonic crystals"
SPIE Proc.
954795471A2015 - "Plasmon induced modification of silicon nanocrystals photoluminescence in presence of gold nanostripes"
Scientific Reports
849112018 - "Permalloy-based magnetoplasmonic crystals for sensor applications"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Conference abstracts
- "Frequency-resolved optical gating of one-dimensional photonic crystals"
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014
9125-392014 - "Ultrafast magnetophotonics and magnetoplasmonics"
Donostia International Conference on Nanoscaled Magnetism and Applications (DICNMA)
p.562013 - "Optics and Magneto-optics in 2D Magnetoplasmonic Crystals"
Days on Diffraction
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism MISM-2014
7182014 - "Femtosecond Time-Resolved Transverse Kerr Effect Measurements in Magnetoplasmonic Crystals"
The International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics/The Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (ICONO/LAT)
2013 - "Femtosecond dynamics of the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect induced by the surface plasmon-polariton "
The XX International student, postgraduate and young scientist conference «Lomonosov»
248-2492013 - "Enhanced transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in multilayered one-dimensional magnetoplasmonic crystals with narrow slits"
International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics. International Conference on Lasers, Applications and Technologies. (ICONO/LAT 2016)
Technical Digest2016